'Life is so precious, treasure every moment,' was a comment left on a blog yesterday I was visiting. It was left about this lady The Scrapping Rican who passed away in a car crash and reminded me how precious life is and we never know how long we have.
Its funny actually how many people I now know and have never, nor probably will meet because of my scrapping, but there are many wonderful people our there whose friendships and supports I am grateful to, so to all of you I say thank you!
Ive not many plans for the weekend, Im suffering from a horrid cold that ive had for a few days now and its making me feel awful, but i only caught it because Im now back at work full time so my system has had one big shock! Roll on january when my hours reduce slightly!!!
Did some clothes shopping yesterday and I needed some new clothes for my new jobs, didnt spend too much and just bought a couple of tops and a new cardi as mine are all either years old or totally scruffy!!!! Havent been in a job where I wear my own clothes for so long, I have managed to get away with horrible scruffy 5 year old clothes that have now been stained with baby sick, paint and other horrible things I wouldnt even want to think about them!!! Im trying not to buy to much though as I have now lost 1/2 stone in 5 weeks so I want to carry on. My aim is to be back in a size 16 (ok some would say thats not a goal, but for me it is, and when I get there then i will reset my goal to a 14, any smaller than that and I know Ill look ill!) Ive never been skinny, but I cant be this size forever!!!
Right Im going to go and get dressed now, theres a demo day at Acre Office Supplies so Im going to pop in there and no doubt spend a little - not too much though as were not even half way on in the month and money is getting tight! I need to get going on my recipe swap cards for the xmas cupcake swap and also get on with charlottes 3d birthday album which I havent done anymore in since the crop earlier this month!
2 days ago
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