for lots of reasons, my nan has been ill and causing the family lots of worry and anxiety, she has been admitted to hospital now, so we may get to the root of the problem, well fingers crossed that we will! So the week has had stress from there, extra stress in the form of childcare issues as mum hasnt been around and poor little charley has been passed from pillar to post this week with so many different peeps looking after her its unbelieveable, not that I am not grateful to each and every one of them, but I feel sorry for little bear, being a fulltime working mum stinks!!!
Beary has a cold and been sleeping in the spare room with me most of the week and now I have the stinking cold too! So am feeling sorry for myself.
It was my GTP interview on wednesday which went well (according to my head) I dont think itwent that well but heyho! She is convinced that i have a place and I can only hope and keep my fingers crossed until I get the official response from the uni themselves, which could be any time in the next three weeks, so fingers crossed everyone!
Im going to make a card later for my mum to take down to my nanna as whenever she is released from hospital they will be sending her to a rehab centre for a few weeks as she cant walk at the moment.
Life just seems to be whizzing by me at the moment, but I seem to be watching it in slow motion, Im lookig forward to the long weekend, believe me after this week I need it!
Ohhhhhhh nearly forgot, at school we have baby chicks, here is the website address
Click here to view live images of our chicks hatching!
how cool are they!!!!!
3 days ago